How to repair Halberg-Rassy Cavita Stripe and Boot Stripes
We were asked by the owner this Halberg Rassy 39 “SeaBird” to make repairs to the boot line and cavita line stripes which were showing sign of wear and tear.
It was important to rub back the layers of existing paint repairs to find a good surface to apply the new vinyls.
As the boot (waterline) stripes were a full length taper (varying in thickness) they were overlaid with new self adhesive vinyl overlaid and trimmed back to match the originals.
This particular vinyl has a manufactures warranty of 12 years life (halved for marine use) and comes in over 50 colours. Some stripes we applied 20 years ago are still looking good, lifetime is very variable on usage.
We also sourced the original font for the boatname from a picture and created new. Along with the Halberg-Rassy 39 logos.
Please get in touch is your would like us to help with your striping repairs.